Infection Control

How to gain proficiency in the aseptic technique and reprocessing

01 March 2021

How to gain proficiency in the aseptic technique and reprocessing

Introducing two new infection prevention and control courses for the whole dental team.

COVID-19 Healthcare Worker Infections in Dental Settings

COVID-19 Healthcare Worker Infections in Dental Settings

Keep informed about the reality of COVID-19 infections in dental care settings.



Find helpful answers to a compilation of frequently asked questions by our members.

Cleaning the Treatment Room

Cleaning the Treatment Room

A clean dental practice is a safe dental practice. To prevent and control infection, learn what, how, when and why to clean.

Setting Up the Treatment Room

Setting Up the Treatment Room

Explore how to set up for patient treatment and eliminate the risk of cross infection.

Infection prevention and control

Infection prevention and control

Resources to help you ensure you are meeting your legal obligations.

Infection Prevention and Control

Infection Prevention and Control

Ensure you are complying with infection prevention and control standards.

Industry Partners
