02 December 2020

ADAVB/BOQ Specialist Recent Graduate Bursary recipient announced

Dr Suet Yen Leong has been awarded the 2020 Australian Dental Association Victorian Branch (ADAVB) BOQ Specialist Recent Graduate Bursary.

Dr Leong will receive $5000 towards ADAVB CPD training courses after being named the recipient of the coveted bursary. The ADAVB BOQ Specialist Recent Graduate Bursary recognises and rewards recent dental graduates (from 2012-2020) who are committed to high quality learning by providing financial support for further professional development.

Graduating from Adelaide University in 2014, Dr Leong relocated to Melbourne in 2015 where she has shared her time between private practices and public health clinics, serving communities in both the northwest and southeast. She is currently on parental leave and is returning to work in January 2021.

Dr Leong said,I was completely shocked when I received the news. This bursary means a lot to me, especially during these challenging times. It has brought new-found determination and will aid me tremendously in developing myself professionally, and providing better care for all my patients.”

ADAVB President, Dr Angelo Pacella, said, “Dr Leong’s application was excellent, showing a diverse range of experience, a deep commitment to helping the community and the drive to develop innovative health promotion initiatives. Her goals to keep progressing her ongoing learning were impressive.

“Together with BOQ Specialist it is wonderful to recognise and encourage recent graduates, particularly during the difficult time we’ve all experienced in 2020,” said Dr Pacella.

“We wish Dr Leong all the best in her return to work in 2021 and hope she inspires excellence in other graduates, including young women combining family and work commitments.”

BOQ Specialist CEO, Hugh Lander, said, “We are proud to partner once again with the ADAVB to recognise an outstanding bursary recipient in Dr Leong. The recent graduate bursary not only marks the strength of our partnership, but our shared commitment to supporting the next generation of dentists in Victoria.

“We would like to congratulate Dr Leong for her unwavering commitment to quality learning and her genuine passion for the dental profession and the communities in which she serves.

“Despite the challenges she has faced as a recent graduate, Dr Leong’s continued focus on both her personal and professional development in order to deliver the highest level of care to her patients is commendable, and a great example to other young dentists,” said Mr Lander.

Find out more:

ADAVB/BOQ Specialist Bursaries

BOQ Specialist

IPC Health

ADAVB CPD & Training

ADAVB Career Development